A Radiologist Is…
February 16, 2016
Radiologist, huh? What is a radiologist? How does this affect my life? Sometimes, we are asked these questions (verbally or with questioning looks) and no
MRIs: Sights, Sounds and Sensations
February 16, 2016
MRI (or Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a way for radiologists to view the body using a combination of magnets and radiofrequency waves. MRI is a

Take a Stand for Good Health
February 16, 2016
Solution? Prevention: As radiologists, we spend far too much time every day reading back injuries, so many of which are preventable. One simple solution: Take

CT: A Better Way to Scan for Lung Cancer
February 16, 2016
In an article published by the New England Journal of Medicine on May 22nd, the National Lung Screening Trial had good news to report: Through the use