If Not Today, Then… When?
If you haven’t yet been in to your friendly local imaging clinic for your annual mammogram, what’s your plan? Do you go every year on your birthday? On your anniversary? On a girls-day out (always nice to have a mammo-mani-pedi combo day)?
If not today… then tomorrow? How many tomorrows are you waiting for? Well, if you just need the one – tomorrow is National Mammography Day – the highlight of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Remember: it only happens once a year, even though the fight against breast cancer is year-round.
You know what else happens only once a year? Your screening mammogram! It couldn’t be more simple. So call or walk-in to your most convenient, compassionate radiologist’s office for that ten-second squeeze and walk out knowing you’ve just done something awesome – you’ve taken care of yourself and you’re good for another year.
Image credit: Starbucks Christmas It Only Happens ONCE a Year by Majiscup – The Papercup & Sleeve via Flickr Copyright Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Originally published 10/16/14 on mammographykc.com.