Scheduling Your Mammogram: Did You Know?
Scheduling your mammogram might sound like a chore, but because of its importance, the steps have been made quite easy!
First thing to know is that some clinics take walk-ins! This means you can just stop by.
The next thing to know is that if you need your annual screening* mammogram, most insurance companies cover the full cost.
Also, the whole procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. Talk about a fast way to protect your health!
Preparation is little-to-none. You will be asked to not wear deodorant or lotion above the waist when you go in for your mammogram, however, it can be wiped off if you didn’t have time to prepare properly.
And that’s what it takes to take care of yourself. Your loved ones will appreciate you taking care of yourself; and you will also appreciate the ease of doing so.
*Please note that if you have a breast symptom of any kind prior to the mammogram, then you are coming in for what is called a diagnostic mammogram. The process is much the same but may require some additional imaging. No matter what, getting your mammogram is important!
Image credit: Pink January 2011 calendar icon By CDC [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Originally posted 4/2/13 on mammographykc.com.