Komen Race Wrap-Up: How Many of Us Does It Take to Change the World?
You did it! We did it! Thousands of Kansas Citians DID IT! This past Saturday’s Komen Race for the Cure was yet again, epically wonderful. From runners in pink tutus, to the Marching Cobras, to the kazillion runners, walkers, cheerleaders, survivors, co-survivors and more… People showed up in droves to support the cause that is fighting breast cancer with Susan G. Komen of Greater Kansas City.
Diagnostic Imaging Centers could not have been more proud to play a part in this event. With our mobile 3D mammography coach on display (open for tours!), with our teammates sharing the good news of early detection saving lives (and how we can play a role in that), with food and fun, community and camaraderie… there is one key word binding this community and its mission: TOGETHER.
Together we played, together we hugged, together we cried for our losses and together we cheered for wins. Together we got silly and dressed up, together we supported one another, together we made efforts and elevated our common cause: let’s end breast cancer.
In the face of our daunting goal, it can be easy to feel alone. The annual Komen Race for the Cure shows us that we are many. In a crowd of thousands, in a country of millions, in a world of billions… we who care – together – will make a difference.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead