Pink Promise Countdown
With spring time comes the countdown for the annual Susan G. Komen of Greater Kansas City’s Pink Promise Conference. This great and now educational event is this Saturday, March 25th.
This year’s incarnation of the Pink Promise event marks a change from an annual brunch to a conference format for attendees to share experiences, lessons learned and guidance for all who experience breast cancer, be it patients, co-survivors or medical professionals.
The conference features a health and wellness expo, breakout sessions and of course, retail therapy. The luncheon keynote speaker is three time cancer survivor Annie Parker, whose family history helped Mary-Claire King uncover the BRCA gene. This event supports Komen’s initiatives to improve the state of breast cancer right now, through improvements in education, research, treatment and support.
Early detection saves lives. We encourage all women in the Kansas City and surrounding area to get their annual screening exams performed. Diagnostic Imaging Centers has scheduled appointments and walkin availability at our 6 offices in addition to our traveling mobile mammography coach.
For more information, please visit us at www.dic-kc.com or www.pinkpromisekc.com.
See you Saturday!