Everyone Wants Your Best Possible Health…

Everyone Wants Your Best Possible Health…

Insurance companies are increasingly becoming more proactive in health issues, sending notifications on management of chronic diseases like asthma and diabetes directly to affected individuals and also on occasion reminding people of the need for routine screening studies.


Recently, we’ve had multiple women arrive with letters from their insurance companies reminding them to get their annual mammograms – especially for those who have not been screened in the past 12-24 months. This has created some confusion and uncertainty about what the letters mean, and what you, as a patient, should do.


We encourage you to contact your insurer if you have specific concerns or questions, but we wanted to add our welcome to any of you in the category of women who are not up-to-date on your mammography screening. This means all of you females over the age of 40 (family history may make that younger) with no mammogram in the past 12 months or longer. We at Diagnostic Imaging Centers do walk-in appointments, same-day results and take many different types of insurances. For the uninsured, our out-of-pocket costs are among the lowest in the metropolitan area. We also have extended days and weekend hours for your convenience.


In case you’ve received a letter from your insurance company encouraging you to get your screening mammogram, we’re here for you and your best possible health! Increasingly, insurance companies are becoming more proactive in addressing members’ health needs – something we as breast imagers can fully support!


PS If fear or nerves are what’s keeping you from coming in, here are 5 Fears to Banish.




Image credit: Iconscollection – Mail by Simon Adriaensen (via Flickr) Copyright Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Originally published 11/18/13 on mammographykc.com.