HSG and Reducing Anxiety
If your doctor orders an HSG (which is much easier to say than hysterosalpingogram) you may have heard stories from friends who have had them
A Day in the Life of a Radiologist
Let’s take a post to introduce ourselves. This will not be an introduction of us individually but rather a collective introduction. We are radiologists. We
Introducing Dr. Sid Crawley
Before we launch into Dr. Sid Crawley’s video series, we’d like to take a moment to tell you why you’ll enjoy learning from him… because
Men’s Health and Both Blogs!
This month, you will find bridges between our blogs, diagnosticimagingcenterskc.com, where our focus is radiology and general good health, and mammographykc.com, where we focus on
International Day of Radiology
Today, November 8th, is the International Day of Radiology — Let’s Celebrate Together! You can show your support by changing your Facebook, Twitter or
Introducing Dr. Scott Sher
Dr. Scott Sher is about to launch into something with great energy. We’re referring to his upcoming video series here on this blog, but that
KC Business Journal Notes Our High Level of Care… and Affordable Level of Costs
When it comes to being experts, we are confident radiologists. We work hard, we work as a team, we learn and grow continuously, and we
Introducing Dr. Angela Noto
Noto, Angela: /n/ doctor of radiology. loves arthrography. and books, and languages and travel and theater and family and dogs… We really like working
HSG or Hysterosalpingogram: What to expect before you’re expecting
Hysterosalpingogram, or HSG, is a radiology procedure that uses x-rays to evaluate the uterus and fallopian tubes. The examination is often ordered for patients experiencing
Introducing Dr. Greg Reuter…
Before we bring you the video series on neuroradiology and sinuses, we’d like to introduce our very own neuroradiologist, Dr. Greg Reuter. We are thrilled